This script is designed for loan officers and real estate agents to analyze and visualize changes in the real estate market over a specific time frame. It focuses on comparing the median sold prices of properties across different cities within a year.


  1. Data Loading and Processing:
    • The script loads real estate data for the year 2023 from a CSV file.
    • It focuses on selected cities, ensuring comprehensive coverage of key areas relevant to loan officers and real estate agents.
  2. Date Filtering and Analysis:
    • The data is filtered to compare the median sold prices in January 2023 and December 2023.
    • This time-frame selection allows for observing market trends and price fluctuations over a year.
  3. Calculations and Insights:
    • It calculates the median sold prices for each city for both January and December.
    • The script also computes the dollar value change and percentage change in median sold prices between these two months.
  4. Visualization:
    • A bar chart is generated to visually compare the median sold prices between January and December for each city.
    • The chart enhances understanding by displaying prices clearly, making it easier to identify trends and anomalies.
  5. Output:
    • The results, including calculated changes in median prices, are saved in an Excel file for further analysis or reporting.

Importance of the Data:

  • Market Trends: Understanding how median sold prices change over the year helps in assessing market health and trends.
  • Pricing Strategies: For real estate agents, this information is crucial in advising clients about buying or selling times and pricing strategies.
  • Loan Assessment: Loan officers can use this data to better understand the changing value of properties, which is essential for accurate loan and risk assessment.
  • Investment Decisions: Both loan officers and real estate agents can guide their clients in making informed investment decisions based on market dynamics.

In conclusion, this script serves as a powerful tool for professionals in the real estate and finance sectors, providing them with critical insights into market trends and helping them make data-driven decisions.

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